Digital Marketing Strategy | Blog | Nan Oo

How to become a Digital Marketer in 2024? | Career Guide

Written by Nan Oo | Mar 17, 2024 8:12:53 AM

Have you ever wondered how companies get people like you to notice their products or services online?

That's where digital marketing comes in, and it's a super cool career path that combines technology, creativity, and a deep understanding of how people behave on the internet.

What is Digital Marketing?

Types of Digital Marketing

Imagine you have a delicious new pizza recipe you want to share with the world. Traditionally, you might print flyers or put an ad in the local paper. But today, there's a whole digital world where you can find your audience. That's where digital marketing comes in.

Digital marketing is simply using electronic devices and the internet to promote your products, services, or even yourself as a brand. It's like having a virtual toolbox filled with different ways to connect with potential customers.

Different Digital Marketing Channels & Tactics

Digital Marketing Tactics Description
Affiliate marketing Partnering with other websites or people to promote your products for a commission.
Display advertising Placing ads (banners, pop-ups) on other websites to reach their audience. You can target specific demographics.
Email marketing Sending emails to potential or existing customers about your products or services. It can be cheap and fast, but be careful not to spam people.
Search engine marketing (SEM) Paying to improve your website's ranking in search results (e.g., Google). This includes search engine optimization (SEO) which involves making your website more search-friendly.
Social media marketing Using social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to connect with potential customers and promote your products.
Marketing Automation Marketing automation uses software like Zapier, HubSpot and Make to automate repetitive marketing tasks and personalize customer journeys.
In-game advertising Placing ads within video games. The effectiveness depends on the game and how well the ad is integrated.
Online public relations Using the internet to communicate with customers and the public about your brand.
Video advertising Short videos played before, during, or after online videos (e.g., YouTube). They can be disruptive but memorable.
Native advertising Paid content that looks similar to the platform's regular content. It can be effective but can also be misleading.
Content marketing Creating and sharing valuable content (articles, videos, etc.) to attract and engage customers.
Sponsored content Content created by someone else and paid for by you to promote your product or service.
Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing is partnering with online personalities who have established credibility and audience to promote a brand or product.
Inbound marketing Using content to attract customers to your brand, rather than interrupting them with ads.
Conversational marketing Sending text messages and automate the message sequence to promote your products or services on messaging apps like Messenger, WhatsApp and Viber.
Push notification Sending messages to users' devices from your app to remind them about your product or service.

Think of it compared to traditional marketing, like flyers or billboards. Those are great for reaching people in a specific area, but what if you want to reach people all over the world?

That's the power of digital marketing and it allows you to target a wider audience with laser focus.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing breaks geographic barriers to reach a wider audience with targeted messaging. It allows for cost-effective campaigns with measurable results, fostering open communication to build relationships with your target market.

Examples of Digital Marketing in Action

Examples of Digital Marketing Tactics in Action by Nan Oo

  • Social media posts about your new pizza recipe with mouthwatering pictures.
  • Eye-catching banner ads on websites people who love to cook visit.
  • Email newsletters with special offers and promotions.
  • A user-friendly website where people can learn more about your pizza creations.

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

The first step in your digital marketing journey is to understand the fundamentals. There are several key areas you'll need to master, each with its own set of tools and techniques. Let's take a look at some of them:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Have you ever wondered why some websites show up at the top of search results on Google or Bing?

That's where SEO and SEM come into play. SEO is all about optimizing your website and its content to rank higher in search engine results for specific keywords. SEM, on the other hand, involves using paid advertising to have your website or ads appear at the top of search results.

2. Analytics

Analytics helps you understand how people are interacting with your website or online campaigns. It gives you valuable insights into things like how many people visited your site, which pages they spent the most time on, and where they came from. With this knowledge, you can make better decisions about what's working and what needs to be improved.

3. Social Media Marketing and Advertising

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter are hugely popular among people of all ages. As a digital marketer, you'll learn how to create engaging content and run effective advertising campaigns on these platforms to reach your target audience and build a strong online community around your brand.

4. Email Marketing

Even in the age of social media, email marketing remains an essential tool for digital marketers. You'll learn how to create compelling email campaigns, build mailing lists, and use email as a way to nurture relationships with your customers or potential customers.

How does Digital Marketing work?

Reaching the Right People

Think about your ideal customer, someone who would love your delicious pizza. Digital marketing lets you target those people based on their interests, online behavior, and even demographics like age and location. This way, you're not just throwing your message out there – you're making sure it lands in front of the people who matter most.

Using Different Channels

There are many ways to connect with people online. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are great for sharing updates and engaging with your audience. Email marketing allows you to send targeted messages directly to potential customers. Search engine marketing (SEM) helps your website show up at the top of search results when people look for pizzas online.

Tracking and Measuring

Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing lets you track exactly how well your campaigns are doing. You can see how many people saw your ad, clicked on your link, or signed up for your email list. This data helps you understand what's working and what's not, so you can constantly improve your marketing efforts.

Different Roles in Digital Marketing

The digital marketing landscape is a vibrant ecosystem brimming with diverse roles, each playing a crucial part in achieving marketing goals. Whether you're a data whiz or a creative storyteller, there's a perfect role waiting to be explored! Let's check some of the positions in digital marketing, along with their responsibilities and average salaries (based on US data, March 2024)

Job Title Role Responsibilities Average Salary
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist Technical & Strategic Optimizes websites and content for search engines, analyzes data, and tracks keyword rankings. $58,000 - $72,000
Social Media Manager Content & Community Creates engaging content, manages social media platforms, fosters brand awareness, and increases audience engagement. $52,000 - $68,000
Content Marketing Specialist Content Creation & Strategy Develops and implements content strategies, creates high-quality content (written, visual, video), and manages content calendars. $55,000 - $70,000
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Specialist Paid Advertising Manages PPC campaigns across platforms like Google Ads, analyzes data, optimizes ad spend, and generates leads. $62,000 - $78,000
Email Marketing Specialist Nurturing & Conversion Creates and manages email marketing campaigns, designs email newsletters, and cultivates subscriber relationships. $50,000 - $65,000
Digital Marketing Manager Strategy & Oversight Oversees all aspects of digital marketing strategy, manages budgets, analyzes campaign performance, and leads a team of digital marketing specialists. $75,000 - $90,000
Digital Marketing Analyst Data & Insights Tracks and analyzes digital marketing data, identifies trends, provides insights for campaign optimization, and measures ROI. $60,000 - $75,000
Content Strategist Content Planning & Direction Develops and leads the overall content strategy, defines content pillars and audience personas, and ensures content aligns with marketing goals. $68,000 - $82,000
Copywriter Content Creation Crafts compelling and persuasive written content for various marketing materials, websites, social media, and email campaigns. $50,000 - $72,000
Graphic Designer Visual Communication Creates visually appealing graphics, illustrations, and design elements for marketing campaigns, websites, and social media content. $55,000 - $68,000

Mastering the Digital Marketing Tools

Just like a carpenter needs hammers, saws, and drills to build something, digital marketers need a variety of tools to do their job effectively. Here are some of the most important ones you'll want to get familiar with.

1. Google Analytics and Google Ads

These are two of the most widely used tools in the digital marketing world. Google Analytics helps you track and analyze website traffic and user behavior, while Google Ads lets you create and manage online advertising campaigns across various platforms.

2. SEO Tools

Tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and SEMrush are essential for helping you research keywords, analyze your website's performance in search engines, and keep an eye on what your competitors are doing.


Renowned for its comprehensive keyword research capabilities, Ahrefs allows you to explore vast amounts of search data, uncovering hidden keyword gems and competitor insights. It also offers a powerful backlink analysis tool, helping you understand how authoritative websites link to your competitors, giving you valuable clues to build your own backlink profile.


A go-to for SEO beginners and veterans alike, Moz provides a complete suite of tools. It offers keyword research suggestions, on-page optimization tools to improve your website's content structure for search engines, and even a handy MozBar – a browser extension that gives you quick SEO insights on any webpage you visit.



This all-in-one marketing toolkit goes beyond Search Engine Optimization. It offers competitor research features, social media management tools, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign analysis, and content marketing insights. SEMrush helps you create a holistic digital marketing strategy, ensuring all your efforts work together seamlessly.


3. Email Marketing Tools

In today's digital age, where inboxes overflow with endless messages, email marketing remains a powerful tool for connecting with your audience. It allows you to send targeted messages directly to potential and existing customers, fostering loyalty, driving sales, and building brand awareness.

However, navigating the technicalities of email marketing can feel daunting. Email Sending Platforms like Mailchimp, SendGrid and HubSpot come to the rescue, simplifying the process and empowering you to launch impactful email campaigns.

Email Sending Platforms

Here's a closer look at the strengths of two popular platforms.


A household name in email marketing, Mailchimp offers a user-friendly interface and a free plan for beginners with up to 2,000 subscribers. It boasts a vast library of pre-designed templates, making it easy to create visually appealing emails. Mailchimp is a solid choice for businesses starting their email marketing journey.

Brevo (Formerly SendInBlue)

Brevo's email marketing boasts user-friendly design with drag-and-drop editing and customizable templates. They focus on high deliverability to get your messages seen, and their plans are based on the number of emails sent, not your contact list size, allowing you to grow your audience without worrying about extra fees.


HubSpot offers a powerful email marketing feature within its marketing hub. It allows you to create professional email campaigns using a drag-and-drop editor and personalize them for better engagement. You can also leverage analytics and automation tools to track results and send targeted emails at scale.

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools

When you work with different team, you will see scattered emails, overflowing spreadsheets, dozens of different KPIs report dashboard and never-ending meetings that could be emails. This chaotic scenario can slow down your business growth. That is why most of the leading companies are using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools to smooth customer interactions and streamline workflows.

Now that you're convinced of the power of CRMs, let's explore two popular options

Salesforce (blue) and HubSpot (orange)

Salesforce CRM

Renowned for its robust features and scalability, Salesforce caters well to established businesses with complex needs. It offers a wide range of customization options and powerful automation tools. However, its complexity comes at a cost, with a steeper learning curve and higher price point.

HubSpot CRM

A user-friendly and affordable option, HubSpot CRM is ideal for startups and small businesses. It boasts a free plan with core CRM features and integrates seamlessly with HubSpot's marketing tools, allowing you to nurture leads and track their journey from website visitor to loyal customer.

Ultimately, the best CRM for you depends on your specific needs and budget. However, one thing is certain that implementing a CRM can revolutionize your customer interactions, streamline your sales and marketing processes, and pave the way for sustainable business growth.

5. Social Media Management Tools

Imagine social media as a place to connect with your fans, make people aware of your business, and grow your sales. But juggling all the different apps, creating interesting posts, and keeping track of how well they're doing can be a real headache. That's where Social Media Management tools come in. They centralize all your post publishing, analytics, making things easier and more fun.

Tools like Hootsuite, Later, and Buffer can help you schedule posts ahead of time for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other apps, so you don't have to scramble every day. They also help you chat with your followers and see how many people like your posts, so you can keep making the kind of content that people enjoy.


A comprehensive platform ideal for agencies and large businesses, Hootsuite offers powerful features like team collaboration tools and advanced analytics.


Tailored for visual content creators, Later excels at scheduling and publishing content for platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Its drag-and-drop calendar makes planning visually appealing content a breeze.


A user-friendly and affordable option, Buffer allows you to schedule posts across various platforms and provides basic analytics to track performance.


6. Design Tools

As a digital marketer, having some design skills can be incredibly useful. Tools like Canva, CapCut and Figma can help you create visually appealing graphics, images, and other content for your campaigns.


Canva is a user-friendly graphic design platform. It offers drag-and-drop editing tools and a vast library of templates, making it easy to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, and more, even for beginners. With its free plan, you can access a good range of features to get you started.


CapCut is a video editing app perfect for creating engaging social media content. It boasts intuitive editing tools, trendy effects, and a music library. You can trim clips, add text overlays, and incorporate transitions to bring your video ideas to life.


Figma is a powerful design tool primarily used for user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. It allows professional designers to create prototypes, collaborate in real-time, and hand off projects seamlessly. While it has a steeper learning curve, Figma offers advanced features for building complex interfaces.

Building Your Digital Marketing Portfolio

Being a successful digital marketer isn't just about knowing the tools and techniques; it's also about being able to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers or clients. That's where your digital marketing portfolio comes in.

Your portfolio is like a virtual showcase of your best work, highlighting the campaigns you've worked on, the strategies you've implemented, and the results you've achieved. It could include things like social media posts, email newsletters, website designs, or even analysis and reports on the performance of your campaigns.

When building your portfolio, it's important to be as detailed as possible. Explain the process you followed, the challenges you faced, and the creative solutions you came up with. Use data and metrics to back up your claims and demonstrate the impact of your work.

For example, you could say something like, "My Instagram campaign for Brand X resulted in a 25% increase in followers and a 10% boost in website traffic over a three-month period."

If you're just starting out and don't have any professional experience yet, you can use projects or assignments from your digital marketing courses or classes to showcase your skills. Just make sure to present them in a clean, organized, and visually appealing way.

Crafting Your Digital Marketer Resume

Once you've built up your portfolio, the next step is to create a resume that will help you land your dream job in digital marketing. Your resume is like a highlight reel of your skills, experience, and accomplishments, and it needs to be crafted in a way that grabs the attention of potential employers.

Start by listing your relevant skills and experiences, focusing on the ones that are most important for the specific job you're applying for. Use clear, concise language and bullet points to make it easy to read and understand.

Don't forget to include any certifications, courses, or training you've completed in digital marketing. These can be great ways to demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to the field.

Tailor your resume for each job application, highlighting the skills and experiences that best match the job description. And be sure to proofread carefully to check typos or grammatical errors.

Networking and Making Connections

In the world of digital marketing, networking and making connections is just as important as having the right skills and experience. The more people you know in the industry, the more opportunities you'll have to learn, grow, and find job openings or clients.

One of the best ways to start networking is by attending industry events, conferences, or meetups. These can be great places to meet other digital marketers, learn about the latest trends and best practices, and maybe even find a mentor or two.

You can also take advantage of online networking platforms like LinkedIn. Join relevant groups, follow thought leaders in the industry, and engage with their content. Don't be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself – you never know where a simple connection could lead.

Building an online presence through a personal website, blog, or social media accounts can also be a powerful networking tool. Share your thoughts, insights, and expertise with the digital marketing community, and you'll start to build a reputation as someone who knows their stuff.

The Demand for Digital Marketers

So, why should you consider a career in digital marketing?

Well, for starters, it's an incredibly exciting and dynamic field that's constantly evolving with new technologies and trends. But more importantly, digital marketing skills are in high demand across a wide range of industries and businesses.

As more and more companies recognize the importance of having a strong online presence and engaging with their customers through digital channels, the need for skilled digital marketers continues to grow. In fact, according to industry reports, many companies struggle to find qualified candidates to fill digital marketing roles.

That means that if you start learning and developing your digital marketing skills now, you'll be well-positioned to take advantage of this growing demand and potentially land a rewarding and lucrative career.

Average Salary of a Digital Marketer

The average salary for a Digital Marketing Specialist can vary depending on experience, location, and industry. However, several sources provide insights into the current landscape. As of March 2024, ZipRecruiter reports an average annual salary of $65,418 in the United States, with a range of $33,500 to $112,500.

Meanwhile, places the average at $76,734, with a typical range of $69,133 to $86,347. These figures suggest a competitive compensation package for Digital Marketing Specialists, with the potential for higher salaries based on experience and additional skills.


Getting Started in Digital Marketing

So, how can you get started on your journey to becoming a digital marketing superstar?

1. Learn, learn, learn

The more you learn about digital marketing, the better prepared you'll be. Consider taking online courses, attending workshops, or even enrolling in a digital marketing bootcamp or program. These can provide you with a solid foundation in the various skills and tools you'll need.

2. Practice, practice, practice

You can't become a great digital marketer by just reading about it. You need to get your hands dirty and start practicing. Create your own social media campaigns, build a website or blog, and experiment with different tools and strategies. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll become.

3. Build your portfolio

As you start gaining experience, be sure to document your work and build a portfolio that showcases your skills and accomplishments. This will be invaluable when it comes time to apply for jobs or internships.

4. Network and make connections

Attend industry events, join online communities, and start building relationships with other digital marketers. These connections can provide valuable insights, advice, and even job opportunities down the line.

5. Stay curious and adaptable

The world of digital marketing is constantly changing, with new technologies, platforms, and trends emerging all the time. It's important to stay curious, keep learning, and be adaptable to these changes if you want to succeed in this field.

Becoming a successful digital marketer isn't something that happens overnight. It takes time, dedication, and a willingness to continually learn and grow. But the good news is that you can start developing these skills at a young age, giving you a head start on pursuing this exciting and rewarding career.

According to industry experts, it can take anywhere from 12 weeks to several years to become a proficient digital marketer, depending on your level of experience and the specific path you choose. For example, enrolling in an intensive digital marketing bootcamp or program can provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge in a relatively short amount of time, but mastering all the techniques and gaining real-world experience often requires years of hands-on practice.

The key is to start building your skills and portfolio as early as possible, and to never stop learning and expanding your knowledge. The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and those who are able to adapt and stay ahead of the curve will be the ones who ultimately succeed.

So, if you're a tech-savvy, creative youngster with a passion for the internet and a desire to understand how people interact with brands and products online, digital marketing could be the perfect career path for you. It's a field that combines strategy, creativity, and a deep understanding of human behavior, all while allowing you to stay on the cutting edge of technology and digital trends.

Are you ready to become a Digital Marketer?

Join my Digital Marketing Course, start learning, practicing, and building your skills today, and who knows that you could be the next digital marketing superstar of tomorrow!