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TikTok Marketing Guide Myanmar

Written by Nan Oo | Jun 21, 2024 12:39:13 PM

TikTok has a significant user base in Myanmar, with 16.65 million users aged 18 and above in early 2024. The demographics of TikTok users in Myanmar are diverse, with a nearly equal gender distribution and a younger user base. The most popular device used by TikTok users in Myanmar is the Xiaomi Redmi Note 8.

TikTok has a significant user base in Myanmar, with over 16 million users. The platform’s short-form videos have captivated users of all ages, making it a powerful marketing channel. Let’s explore the demographics of TikTok users in Myanmar:

  • Age Distribution:

    • 18-24 years: 46.8%
    • 25-34 years: 46.9%
    • 35-44 years: 4.2%
    • 45-54 years: 1.3%
    • 55 years and above: 0.8%
  • Gender Distribution:

    • Male: 86.7%
    • Female: 13.3%

Businesses in Myanmar are adapting their marketing strategies to leverage TikTok's unique features and engage with the younger audience. The diverse social media platforms in Myanmar, including TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, require businesses to develop tailored content and strategies for each platform to effectively reach their target audience.

Why Brands Should Consider TikTok in Myanmar?

Here are the key reasons why businesses in Myanmar should consider TikTok marketing

High Engagement Rates

TikTok users in Myanmar are highly engaged with the content they view, giving businesses a better chance of reaching and capturing the attention of their target audience.

Large and Growing User Base

TikTok has a large and rapidly growing user base in Myanmar, with the majority of users being under the age of 30. This makes it an ideal platform to reach a younger demographic.

Creativity and Flexibility

TikTok's format allows for a wide range of creative content, from short videos and live streams to interactive challenges and polls. This flexibility enables businesses to create engaging content that stands out from other social media platforms.

Emerging Trend

As TikTok continues to grow in popularity in Myanmar, businesses that embrace the platform early on can gain a competitive advantage and establish a strong presence among the younger audience.

Overall, the search results indicate that TikTok marketing presents a significant opportunity for businesses in Myanmar to reach a highly engaged, younger audience in a cost-effective and creative manner. By leveraging TikTok's unique features and targeting capabilities, businesses can effectively connect with their target market and drive growth.

Tips for the successful TikTok Marketing Strategy in Myanmar

To leverage TikTok's creative format and stand out in Myanmar, businesses can consider the following strategies:

Use Short, Engaging Videos

Create short, visually appealing videos that showcase products or services in a creative manner. This can include stop-motion animations, time-lapses, or even live-action videos with music and effects.

Utilize Hashtags and Challenges

Participate in popular hashtags and challenges to increase visibility and reach a broader audience. This can include using relevant hashtags, creating branded challenges, or even collaborating with popular TikTok creators.

Leverage User-Generated Content

Encourage customers to share their experiences or interactions with the brand by creating user-generated content (UGC) campaigns. This can include asking customers to share videos or photos showcasing their favorite products or services.

Utilize TikTok's Interactive Features

Use TikTok's interactive features such as polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to engage with the audience and create a sense of community.

Collaborate with Local Influencers

Partner with local influencers or content creators who have a strong following on TikTok. This can help increase brand visibility and credibility among the target audience.

Create Branded Content

Develop branded content that is unique and engaging, such as tutorials, product demos, or even educational content. This can help establish the brand as an authority in its industry.

By incorporating these strategies, businesses can effectively leverage TikTok's creative format to stand out in Myanmar and connect with the younger audience.

Successful TikTok Campaigns and Brands in Myanmar

Marlarmyaing Group

Marlarmyaing Group is innovatively engaging in shoppertainment by collaborating with Tin Maung San Min Win's Thitsar Myittar Shwe Man Thabin. They are posting short clips of Zat Pwe performances and funny skits to entertain their target audience, farmers from rural villages.


R&D Studio by Royal-D is also performing impressively on TikTok, boasting 42.5K followers and 635.9K likes. They have achieved this success by sharing engaging R&D game videos and the R&D K Dance Camp, which has the potential to become Myanmar's first Korea Dance Camp powered by a brand.

KTA Mobile

TikTok often surprises with its unique approach to virality, where having a high-quality camera isn't always necessary to become popular. Take, for example, the TikTok channel by KTA Mobile, a small mobile shop from Yamethin. Despite their modest setup, they are highly engaging on the platform. Their success, with 1.1M likes and 114K followers, underscores that authenticity and creativity are key in the TikTok Brand War.

Anycall Mobile

Anycall Mobile has also tapped into the power of TikTok with their channel, Anycaller. This channel showcases the lives of Anycall Mobile's staff through funny stories while highlighting smartphones and gadgets available in their showrooms. Their engaging content has resonated with many, earning them 5.5M likes and 436K followers.

These campaigns demonstrate the effectiveness of TikTok in reaching a younger audience in Myanmar and driving business results.

Popular TikTok Songs in Myanmar

Based on the analysis of music patterns and styles popular on TikTok in Myanmar, here are some of the top viral songs currently driving engagement on the platform:

1. FLI:P - มองนานๆ: This song has garnered over 10 million views on TikTok in Myanmar, indicating its widespread popularity among users.

2. Music world - ထောင့်ငါးရာ: With over 5 million views, this song is another favorite among TikTok users in Myanmar.

3. Walk Off The Earth - My Stupid Heart: Known for dance and lip-sync videos, this song has been viewed over 3 million times.

4. Libianca & sped up + slowed - People (Sped Up): This track has crossed 2 million views and is frequently used for creative videos.

5. Paul Flexx - MEM: Popular for dance challenges, this song has achieved over 1.5 million views.

6. Gianluca Marino - Laughing: Also surpassing 1.5 million views, this song is a hit on TikTok in Myanmar.

7. 苏鹤&萌妹 - NevadaDJ(抖音热播): This international track has captured the attention of Myanmar TikTok users with over 1 million views.

8. Sahara - Beautiful in White: A classic choice for romantic and emotional videos, it has crossed 1 million views.

9. DJ GLK & MC LIPEX - MTG MALDIÇÃO ETERNA 1.0 (Slowed): This slowed version has also reached over 1 million views, favored for its rhythm and beat.

10. 遗憾皆在回忆中 - love you like a love song微改: Closing the list with over 1 million views, this song is appreciated for its catchy tune and versatility.

These songs not only reflect the diverse musical tastes of TikTok users in Myanmar but also highlight the platform's role in driving trends and creating viral content through music-centric campaigns.

Brands looking to leverage TikTok for campaigns in Myanmar could consider incorporating these popular tracks to enhance engagement and reach their target audience effectively.

Key Challenges Business in Myanmar Face when using TikTok as Marketing Platform

Here are some key challenges businesses in Myanmar face when leveraging TikTok:

1. Creative Content Demands

TikTok is a highly creative and engaging platform, requiring businesses to produce short, visually appealing, and entertaining content to stand out. This can be a significant challenge for brands that are used to more traditional marketing approaches.

2. Reliance on Organic Reach

Unlike other social media platforms, businesses in Myanmar cannot currently run paid ads on TikTok. This means they must rely solely on organic reach and engagement to build their presence, which can be more difficult.

3. Music Copyright Issues

If businesses use TikTok without opening a dedicated business account, they may face potential legal issues related to music copyright infringement in Myanmar. Proper licensing and account setup is crucial.

4. Talent Shortage

Finding skilled TikTok content creators and social media managers who understand the platform's unique dynamics can be a challenge for businesses in Myanmar, as TikTok is still a relatively new platform in the country.

5. Demographic Shifts

The changing demographic dynamics, with a nearly equal gender distribution and a younger user base on TikTok, necessitate innovative content strategies to capture the attention of this evolving audience.

6. Fake TikTok Profiles

Be cautious of fake TikTok profiles and phishing links. For instance, the Zwe Htet Gold and Jewelry page appears to be a legitimate TikTok channel run by the official Zwe Htet brand.

However, it is actually a phishing page designed to scam users. If you carefully check the link in the bio, it redirects to a fake phishing page claiming you've won $20,000. It's essential to be vigilant and cautious with such fake TikTok profiles in Myanmar.

It is indeed surprising to see the success of various TikTok channels in Myanmar, especially considering the absence of major multinational brands on the platform. Many successful channels are run by small brands or even just their staff, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and creativity.

Several big brands are hesitant to move to TikTok due to the previous Boycott TikTok movement in Myanmar, which raised concerns about public perception of the platform. As Facebook's user base declines in Myanmar, brands are seeking alternative platforms, and TikTok is emerging as a viable option. This presents significant challenges for both agencies and big brands who are latecomers to TikTok and need to find ways to engage effectively with their audiences.

Two Key Factors Preventing Big Brands to win TikTok Brand War

Two key factors for success on TikTok are quantity and authenticity, both of which many creative agencies in Myanmar struggle with. Many TikTok challenges launched by agencies and big brands fail, with about 75% of these challenges being unsuccessful due to the complexity of the dance moves or lack of engagement.

This shift to TikTok will forever change how brands and agencies approach TikTok marketing in Myanmar. Without the option of paid ads on TikTok, big brands cannot rely on traditional market share strategies. It will be exciting to see how digital marketing agencies and brands will collaborate to navigate the TikTok brand wars, emphasizing organic reach and creative engagement over paid advertisements.